A few hours before the opening of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77), civil society gathered this Saturday, May 25, 2024, to reflect on fundamental issues. Discussions took place around the theme: « World in flames: civil society lost in the impotence of international law ». The Center for Research in Human Reproduction and Demography was in attendance.

In Geneva, it is a beautiful day this Saturday at the Place des Nations, which will soon welcome the delegates of WHA77. Meanwhile, the health challenges related to conflicts around the world are the main concern of civil society, gathered at the headquarters of Médecins Sans Frontières. For the participants in this meeting, the current reality of conflicts and the resulting health and humanitarian disasters should prompt civil society to question its true role in today’s geopolitical scenario.
The main objective of this civil society workshop promoted by the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) is simple, yet challenging: “We must allow ourselves the time and space to listen to each other in our different reflections and possibly diverging views, and learn from this mutual exchange. We must share perspectives and our personal experiences beyond strict professional patterns, to understand the implications of the growing violence, and the weapons culture that comes with it, around us.”
WHA77 : “Health for all, all for health”
This moment of reflection comes just a few hours before the opening of WHA77. This year, the World Health Assembly will take place under the theme “Health for all, all for health”, with the participation of health ministers, high-level ambassadors, as well as representatives of civil society and non-state actors. Cerrhud will also be present at this essential event, which aims to address existing global health challenges. With financial support from MEMISA, the Center has been represented in Geneva since Friday and will be part of the Medicus Mundi International Network (MMI).
According to the WHO, WHA77 offers member states key opportunities to promote, ensure, and protect the health and well-being of all. It will work to adopt the global health strategy for the next four years and make the world safer through the Pandemic Accord and amendments to the International Health Regulations. Crucial decisions are expected on a range of health priorities such as climate and health, WHO’s work in health emergencies, access to transformative tools, communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental health, women’s health, and the reform of WHO itself.
A pre-Health Assembly opening event will be held on Sunday, May 26, to launch the efforts of the WHO investment cycle. On Monday, May 27, the Health Assembly will open at 9:00 a.m. (local time) at the Palais des Nations. The high-level segment is expected to start at 9:30 a.m. Strategic roundtables will take place throughout the Health Assembly on the theme “Investing in global health – Investing in WHO”. These events will host discussions between Health Assembly delegates, partner agencies, civil society representatives, and WHO experts on public health priorities.